R packages were retrieved from CRAN/Biocoductor on 2022-06-08, which include 18,638 packages from CRAN and 3,438 packages from Bioconductor (bioc version 3.15).
All the reports were generated by the package pkgndep with the following code:
library(pkgndep) x = pkgndep("pkg") # "pkg" is the package name dependency_report(x)
The complete table of all R packages can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lj2hnylR-TPaRKKI2qjA19uwwsm6-Tm8pRNpbmHv5p4/edit?usp=sharing.
For the most up-to-date dependency analysis on CRAN/Bioconductor packages, please directly use the function pkgndep::dependency_website()