Dependency analysis on package stargazer

General information

CRAN link link
Package version5.2.3
Number of strong dependencies2
Number of all dependencies196
Number of parent packages2
Max heaviness from parent packages1
Total heaviness from parent packages2
Number of parent packages (including Suggests and Enhances)34

Dependency heatmap

In the following dependency heatmap, rows are the parent packages of stargazer and columns are the dependency packages that each parent package brings in. On the right side of the heatmap, there are three barplot annotations: 1. number of imported functions/S4 methods/S4 classes from parent packages; 2. number of dependency packages from each parent package; 3. heaviness of each parent package on stargazer.

Adjust heatmap size:
Base packages Other packages Imports Enhances stats utils graphics grDevices methods grid tools splines parallel stats4 datasets compiler lattice MASS Matrix zoo sandwich digest ellipsis glue rlang lifecycle vctrs pillar fansi cli crayon utf8 magrittr nlme lmtest Formula Rcpp tibble pkgconfig survival generics jsonlite R6 evaluate numDeriv SparseM MatrixModels nnet minqa boot purrr knitr stringr highr yaml xfun stringi withr rstudioapi sp dplyr tidyselect nloptr RcppEigen testthat brio callr desc pkgload praise processx ps waldo rprojroot diffobj rematch2 mgcv quantreg foreign backports ggplot2 gtable isoband scales farver labeling munsell RColorBrewer viridisLite colorspace car carData abind pbkrtest maptools lme4 broom tidyr cpp11 maxLik miscTools Rdpack rbibutils fastmap DEoptimR DBI bdsmatrix collapse data.table htmltools base64enc network coda trust statnet.common mvtnorm systemfit profileModel ucminf xtable flexmix modeltools mitools timeDate timeSeries fBasics fastICA spatial gss stabledist glmmML plm memisc repr sna spData sf deldir units s2 e1071 raster classInt wk class proxy terra KernSmooth dfidx statmod robustbase lpSolveAPI rle memoise cachem Hmisc rpart polspline multcomp htmlTable cluster latticeExtra gridExtra viridis codetools checkmate htmlwidgets png jpeg VGAM tseries urca quadprog quantmod xts TTR curl 0 0.5 1 Imported methods 0 50 100 Required packages 0 50 100 Heaviness from parents stats utils brglm gee nnet MASS robustbase nlme lmtest pscl gmm survival eha mgcv ordinal glmx quantreg lfe betareg survey fGarch plm censReg mclogit relevent spdep mlogit ergm lme4 rms dynlm AER sampleSelection erer In total 2 packages are required directly or indirectly (196) when installing 'stargazer' (5.2.3) Imports Enhances Base packages that are required Recommended packages that are required Contributed packages that are required Packages that are required for installing 'stargazer' The whole namespace is imported

Dependency table

"Import" information is from the NAMESPACE file of stargazer.

imports: number of imported functions/objects; importMethods: number of imported S4 methods; importClasses: number of imported S4 classes.

Required packages: number of strong dependency packages for each of the parent package (or in other words, number of dependency packages the parent package brings in).

Heaviness from parent on stargazer: number of required packages that can be reduced if moving parent package to Suggests of stargazer.

Parent package Field imports importMethods importClasses Required packages Heaviness from parent on stargazer
stats Imports The whole set of functions/methods/classes from parent package is imported to the namespace of stargazer. 0 1
utils Imports The whole set of functions/methods/classes from parent package is imported to the namespace of stargazer. 0 1
erer Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 99 98
sampleSelection Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 98 97
AER Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 92 91
dynlm Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 90 89
rms Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 78 77
lme4 Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 49 48
ergm Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 44 43
mlogit Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 34 33
mclogit Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 27 26
relevent Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 27 26
spdep Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 27 26
censReg Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 25 24
plm Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 23 22
fGarch Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 16 15
betareg Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 15 14
survey Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 15 14
lfe Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 14 13
quantreg Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 13 12
glmx Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 12 11
ordinal Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 11 10
eha Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 10 9
mgcv Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 10 9
gmm Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 9 8
survival Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 9 8
lmtest Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 7 6
pscl Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 7 6
nlme Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 6 5
MASS Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 5 4
robustbase Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 5 4
brglm Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 1 2
gee Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 1 1
nnet Enhances No object is imported into the namespace of stargazer. 2 1

Analysis was done with pkgndep.