Dependency analysis on package afex

General information

CRAN link link
Package version1.1-1
Number of strong dependencies91
Number of all dependencies220
Number of parent packages8
Max heaviness from parent packages11
Total heaviness from parent packages14
Number of parent packages (including Suggests and Enhances)47
Max co-heaviness from parent packages ("car" and "pbkrtest")13

Dependency heatmap

In the following dependency heatmap, rows are the parent packages of afex and columns are the dependency packages that each parent package brings in. On the right side of the heatmap, there are three barplot annotations: 1. number of imported functions/S4 methods/S4 classes from parent packages; 2. number of dependency packages from each parent package; 3. heaviness of each parent package on afex.

Adjust heatmap size:
Base packages Other packages Depends Imports Suggests utils stats methods graphics grDevices grid splines tools parallel stats4 magrittr glue lattice R6 rlang cli crayon digest ellipsis lifecycle fansi tibble pillar pkgconfig vctrs utf8 Matrix MASS withr nlme Rcpp jsonlite evaluate RColorBrewer colorspace callr desc processx ps rprojroot gtable isoband mgcv scales farver labeling munsell viridisLite brio pkgload praise waldo rstudioapi diffobj rematch2 ggplot2 RcppEigen testthat boot minqa nloptr numDeriv generics stringr stringi lme4 purrr tidyselect dplyr yaml xfun survival backports highr cpp11 plyr knitr tidyr abind broom carData nnet foreign pbkrtest quantreg maptools SparseM MatrixModels sp mvtnorm zoo htmltools base64enc fastmap insight xtable codetools matrixStats bslib jquerylib sass fs rappdirs mime later promises htmlwidgets crosstalk lazyeval reshape2 gridExtra bayestestR datawizard estimability sandwich cowplot car rstan loo posterior rstantools bayesplot shinystan StanHeaders inline RcppParallel pkgbuild BH checkmate tensorA distributional ggridges shiny colourpicker DT dygraphs gtools markdown shinyjs shinythemes threejs xts prettyunits httpuv fontawesome sourcetools commonmark cachem miniUI igraph R.methodsS3 R.oo R.utils R.cache png jpeg psych mnormt libcoin modeltools multcomp tinytex beeswarm vipor pander effectsize parameters performance TMB survey mitools DBI plotly qqplotr httr data.table robustbase curl openssl DEoptimR askpass sys ggrepel ggsci ggsignif polynom rstatix corrplot bridgesampling future nleqslv coda Brobdingnag globals listenv parallelly 0 10 20 Imported methods 0 50 100 Required packages 0 20 40 60 Heaviness from parents lme4 stats methods utils reshape2 lmerTest pbkrtest car parallel dfoptim carData optimx xtable statmod plyr lattice MASS nlme Matrix performance emmeans R.rsp latticeExtra knitr psychTools multcomp dplyr coin tidyr rmarkdown testthat nloptr ggplot2 cowplot ggbeeswarm jtools ggpol see mlmRev MEMSS glmmTMB effects ggResidpanel ez ggpubr brms rstanarm In total 91 packages are required directly or indirectly (220) when installing 'afex' (1.1-1) Depends Imports Suggests Base packages that are required Recommended packages that are required Contributed packages that are required Packages that are required for installing 'afex' Imported functions Package is listed in 'Imports' but namespace is not imported

Dependency table

"Import" information is from the NAMESPACE file of afex.

imports: number of imported functions/objects; importMethods: number of imported S4 methods; importClasses: number of imported S4 classes.

Required packages: number of strong dependency packages for each of the parent package (or in other words, number of dependency packages the parent package brings in).

Heaviness from parent on afex: number of required packages that can be reduced if moving parent package to Suggests of afex.

Parent package Field imports importMethods importClasses Required packages Heaviness from parent on afex
lme4 Depends 8 0 0 49 0
car Imports 1 0 0 87 11
reshape2 Imports 1 0 0 10 2
lmerTest Imports 1 0 0 62 1
stats Imports 24 0 0 0 0
methods Imports 2 0 0 0 0
utils Imports 1 0 0 0 0
pbkrtest Imports Parent package is listed in Imports of afex but no object from parent package is imported. 76 0
brms Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 123 63
rstanarm Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 127 53
ggResidpanel Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 70 21
coin Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 22 11
rmarkdown Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 27 10
ggpubr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 96 9
see Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 44 7
multcomp Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 16 6
effects Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 60 6
R.rsp Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 9 5
performance Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 7 4
emmeans Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 8 4
latticeExtra Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 9 3
psychTools Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 12 3
ggbeeswarm Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 40 3
jtools Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 42 2
glmmTMB Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 52 2
dfoptim Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 0 1
optimx Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 1 1
xtable Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 2 1
statmod Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 2 1
cowplot Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 38 1
ggpol Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 44 1
mlmRev Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 50 1
MEMSS Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 50 1
ez Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 90 1
parallel Suggests 4 0 0 0 0
carData Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 0 0
plyr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 3 0
lattice Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 5 0
MASS Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 5 0
nlme Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 6 0
Matrix Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 7 0
knitr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 12 0
dplyr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 20 0
tidyr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 22 0
testthat Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 36 0
nloptr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 37 0
ggplot2 Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of afex. 37 0

The following table lists pairs of parent packages with co-heaviness larger than 10. The co-heaviness measures the number of additional dependencies that two parent packages simultaneously import and are only imported by the two parents.

Note the co-heaviness from parents can be always easily observed in the dependency heatmap.

Parent 1 Parent 2 Co-heaviness on afex Co-heaviness as Jaccard coeffcient
pbkrtest car 13 0.542

Analysis was done with pkgndep.