Dependency analysis on package mlr

General information

CRAN link link
Package version2.19.0
Number of strong dependencies50
Number of all dependencies400
Number of parent packages13
Max heaviness from parent packages29
Total heaviness from parent packages37
Number of parent packages (including Suggests and Enhances)124
Max co-heaviness from parent packages ("ggplot2" and "survival")6

Dependency heatmap

In the following dependency heatmap, rows are the parent packages of mlr and columns are the dependency packages that each parent package brings in. On the right side of the heatmap, there are three barplot annotations: 1. number of imported functions/S4 methods/S4 classes from parent packages; 2. number of dependency packages from each parent package; 3. heaviness of each parent package on mlr.

Adjust heatmap size:
Base packages Other packages Depends Imports Suggests stats utils methods graphics grDevices grid splines tools parallel stats4 tcltk compiler lattice Matrix MASS magrittr glue digest rlang R6 pkgconfig lifecycle ellipsis crayon withr vctrs cli tibble fansi pillar utf8 colorspace gtable isoband mgcv scales nlme farver labeling munsell RColorBrewer viridisLite data.table backports checkmate BBmisc fastmatch Rcpp survival jsonlite stringi ggplot2 rpart stringr fastmap codetools cluster evaluate rstudioapi cpp11 class yaml htmltools base64enc mvtnorm nnet purrr Formula KernSmooth highr xfun RcppArmadillo foreach iterators dplyr generics tidyselect proxy rprojroot rematch2 tidyr e1071 knitr brio callr desc pkgload praise processx ps waldo diffobj htmlwidgets quadprog RcppEigen SparseM zoo mime testthat curl gridExtra lazyeval rJava cachem bitops plyr reshape2 libcoin doParallel quantreg MatrixModels kernlab fs rappdirs later promises timeDate future globals listenv parallelly plot3D misc3d foreign viridis numDeriv bit randomForest RCurl igraph partykit inum boot mclust sandwich multcomp bslib sass jquerylib progress hms prettyunits httr openssl askpass sys latticeExtra htmlTable png jpeg prodlim lava future.apply progressr SQUAREM lars corpcor RWekajars entropy maptree plotrix lhs gtools sp shape gmp classInt modeltools shiny httpuv xtable fontawesome sourcetools commonmark XML xml2 fracdiff lmtest tseries urca quantmod xts TTR fda fds deSolve rainbow pcaPP hdrcde ks locfit ash FNN multicool pracma readr clipr vroom tzdb bit64 ParamHelpers plotly mco RJSONIO crosstalk rms Hmisc polspline ModelMetrics pROC recipes gower hardhat ipred lubridate abind lme4 minqa nloptr estimability systemfonts truncnorm fdrtool plotmo TeachingDemos Deriv tgp gplots caTools elasticnet mda RWeka ade4 R2HTML pixmap bartMachineJARs missForest itertools doRNG rngtools gbm np cubature multcompView Rmpfr SuppDists kSamples BWStest memoise DBI s2 units wk LiblineaR stabs nnls flexmix prabclus diptest robustbase DEoptimR strucchange coin matrixStats Cubist tinytex base64url brew circlize GlobalOptions BH rex cyclocomp xmlparsedata remotes forecast RcppRoll furrr data.tree DiagrammeR downloader influenceR visNetwork combinat questionr miniUI styler labelled R.cache haven R.methodsS3 R.oo R.utils forcats caret mlr smoof parallelMap magic gamm4 RLRsim grpreg pbs ggrepel ggsci cowplot ggsignif polynom rstatix broom corrplot car carData pbkrtest maptools riskRegression timereg cmprsk mets Publish ranger 0 5 10 Imported methods 0 50 100 Required packages 0 20 40 60 Heaviness from parents ParamHelpers backports methods stats utils data.table checkmate XML stringi BBmisc parallelMap survival ggplot2 cmaes deepnet DiscriMiner emoa FDboost FNN frbs GenSA mco mlbench numDeriv praznik rappdirs rFerns rknn rrlda stepPlr DiceKriging elasticnet LiblineaR randomForest rex rgenoud Rmpi RRF snow wavelets care extraTrees nnet rsm svglite brnn modeltools rpart RSNNS rucrdtw ada bit64 cluster irace kernlab memoise nodeHarvest pls rotationForest MASS mmpf class clue mda RWeka sda tgp e1071 earth h2o neuralnet pander GPfit laGP ranger ROCR sparseLDA xgboost FSelector gbm kknn pamr knitr penalized mRMRe Cubist clusterSim evtree glmnet bartMachine bst crs PMCMRplus sf SwarmSVM mboost fpc tidyr party C50 rmarkdown batchtools testthat cowplot mldr ClusterR vdiffr FSelectorRcpp forecast lintr tsfeatures fda.usc Hmisc randomForestSRC smoof survAUC caret klaR adabag mlrMBO refund ggpubr pec In total 50 packages are required directly or indirectly (400) when installing 'mlr' (2.19.0) Depends Imports Suggests Base packages that are required Recommended packages that are required Contributed packages that are required Packages that are required for installing 'mlr' Imported functions The whole namespace is imported Package is listed in 'Imports' but namespace is not imported

Dependency table

"Import" information is from the NAMESPACE file of mlr.

imports: number of imported functions/objects; importMethods: number of imported S4 methods; importClasses: number of imported S4 classes.

Required packages: number of strong dependency packages for each of the parent package (or in other words, number of dependency packages the parent package brings in).

Heaviness from parent on mlr: number of required packages that can be reduced if moving parent package to Suggests of mlr.

Parent package Field imports importMethods importClasses Required packages Heaviness from parent on mlr
ParamHelpers Depends The whole set of functions/methods/classes from parent package is imported to the namespace of mlr. 8 2
ggplot2 Imports The whole set of functions/methods/classes from parent package is imported to the namespace of mlr. 37 29
stringi Imports The whole set of functions/methods/classes from parent package is imported to the namespace of mlr. 3 2
parallelMap Imports The whole set of functions/methods/classes from parent package is imported to the namespace of mlr. 8 2
XML Imports Parent package is listed in Imports of mlr but no object from parent package is imported. 2 1
survival Imports 2 0 0 9 1
backports Imports Parent package is listed in Imports of mlr but no object from parent package is imported. 0 0
methods Imports The whole set of functions/methods/classes from parent package is imported to the namespace of mlr. 0 0
stats Imports The whole set of functions/methods/classes from parent package is imported to the namespace of mlr. 0 0
utils Imports 11 0 0 0 0
data.table Imports 2 0 0 1 0
checkmate Imports The whole set of functions/methods/classes from parent package is imported to the namespace of mlr. 2 0
BBmisc Imports The whole set of functions/methods/classes from parent package is imported to the namespace of mlr. 6 0
pec Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 105 61
klaR Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 81 58
ggpubr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 96 54
refund Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 89 50
adabag Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 83 41
caret Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 81 39
survAUC Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 79 36
lintr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 56 34
mlrMBO Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 83 34
randomForestSRC Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 72 32
smoof Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 75 31
fda.usc Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 66 28
mldr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 41 24
tsfeatures Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 63 24
Hmisc Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 67 24
FSelectorRcpp Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 43 22
vdiffr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 42 21
rmarkdown Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 27 17
testthat Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 36 15
forecast Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 53 15
fpc Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 21 13
party Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 24 13
PMCMRplus Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 19 12
C50 Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 25 12
bartMachine Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 17 11
sf Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 19 11
mboost Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 20 10
clusterSim Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 16 9
crs Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 19 9
batchtools Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 29 8
evtree Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 16 7
glmnet Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 16 7
bst Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 17 7
SwarmSVM Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 19 7
ROCR Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 10 6
FSelector Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 11 6
knitr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 12 6
tidyr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 22 6
earth Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 8 5
laGP Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 9 5
sparseLDA Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 10 5
Cubist Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 15 5
ClusterR Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 42 5
sda Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 7 4
tgp Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 7 4
h2o Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 8 4
svglite Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 2 3
brnn Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 3 3
memoise Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 4 3
nodeHarvest Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 4 3
RWeka Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 7 3
e1071 Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 8 3
GPfit Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 9 3
ranger Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 10 3
penalized Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 12 3
elasticnet Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 1 2
rex Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 1 2
care Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 2 2
extraTrees Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 2 2
rsm Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 2 2
modeltools Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 3 2
RSNNS Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 3 2
rucrdtw Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 3 2
ada Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 4 2
bit64 Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 4 2
irace Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 4 2
rotationForest Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 4 2
clue Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 6 2
mda Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 7 2
neuralnet Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 8 2
pander Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 8 2
xgboost Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 10 2
kknn Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 11 2
pamr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 11 2
mRMRe Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 13 2
cmaes Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
deepnet Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
DiscriMiner Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
emoa Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
FDboost Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
FNN Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
frbs Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
GenSA Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
mco Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
mlbench Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
numDeriv Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
praznik Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
rappdirs Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
rFerns Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
rknn Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
rrlda Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
stepPlr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 0 1
DiceKriging Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 1 1
LiblineaR Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 1 1
randomForest Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 1 1
rgenoud Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 1 1
Rmpi Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 1 1
RRF Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 1 1
snow Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 1 1
wavelets Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 1 1
nnet Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 2 1
rpart Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 3 1
cluster Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 4 1
kernlab Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 4 1
pls Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 4 1
mmpf Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 5 1
class Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 6 1
gbm Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 11 1 Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 11 1
cowplot Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 38 1
MASS Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of mlr. 5 0

Analysis was done with pkgndep.