Dependency analysis on package insight

General information

CRAN link link
Package version0.17.1
Number of strong dependencies3
Number of all dependencies343
Number of parent packages3
Max heaviness from parent packages1
Total heaviness from parent packages3
Number of parent packages (including Suggests and Enhances)96

Dependency heatmap

In the following dependency heatmap, rows are the parent packages of insight and columns are the dependency packages that each parent package brings in. On the right side of the heatmap, there are three barplot annotations: 1. number of imported functions/S4 methods/S4 classes from parent packages; 2. number of dependency packages from each parent package; 3. heaviness of each parent package on insight.

Adjust heatmap size:
Base packages Other packages Imports Suggests stats utils methods graphics grDevices grid tools splines parallel stats4 datasets compiler lattice MASS Matrix Rcpp nlme glue magrittr digest R6 rlang cli ellipsis tibble lifecycle vctrs pillar fansi pkgconfig crayon utf8 withr generics zoo stringr stringi evaluate jsonlite RcppEigen mgcv numDeriv desc rprojroot ggplot2 gtable isoband scales farver labeling munsell RColorBrewer viridisLite colorspace callr processx ps dplyr purrr tidyselect Formula minqa rstudioapi sandwich backports brio pkgload praise waldo diffobj rematch2 survival boot nloptr testthat lme4 yaml xfun mvtnorm highr cpp11 knitr tidyr lmtest broom checkmate coda htmltools fastmap base64enc abind insight codetools xtable MatrixModels maxLik miscTools nnet Rdpack rbibutils sass fs rappdirs data.table RcppParallel matrixStats bdsmatrix SparseM commonmark bslib jquerylib prettyunits reshape2 plyr gridExtra DBI datawizard RcppArmadillo mime mnormt tensorA globals loo rstan rstantools StanHeaders BH inline pkgbuild quantreg foreign bayestestR pbivnorm collapse gtools statmod htmlwidgets car carData pbkrtest maptools sp bayesplot ggridges posterior future distributional listenv parallelly shiny httpuv fontawesome sourcetools later promises cachem DEoptimR foreach iterators ucminf cubature lavaan CompQuadForm xml2 plm tinytex nleqslv cluster dfidx pander bridgesampling Brobdingnag lmerTest shinystan colourpicker DT dygraphs markdown shinyjs shinythemes threejs xts miniUI crosstalk igraph lazyeval estimability parameters performance curl openssl askpass sys flexmix modeltools dreamerr gamlss.dist mitools ape corpcor gnm VGAM qvcalc relimp hunspell glmmML pbapply hypergeo elliptic contfrac deSolve truncreg prediction margins ordinal scoringRules clue CVXR DEoptim GPArotation Rcsdp RSpectra bit64 gmp Rmpfr ECOSolveR scs osqp bit plotrix msm mlogit truncnorm expm hardhat biglm tweedie TMB mice coneproj svDialogs svGUI bitops BiasedUrn sf lubridate flextable officer classInt s2 units rmarkdown uuid gdtools zip e1071 class KernSmooth wk systemfonts proxy robustbase fastGHQuad LaplacesDemon logspline jtools Hmisc rpart polspline multcomp htmlTable latticeExtra viridis png jpeg nonnest2 future.apply tmvnsim arm blme broom.mixed forcats furrr 0 0.5 1 Imported methods 0 50 100 Required packages 0 50 100 Heaviness from parents methods stats utils poorman rstudioapi splines tripack tweedie bdsmatrix gee aod biglm boot nnet statmod datawizard mclust VGAM MASS robustbase bayestestR gam nlme bife lmtest Matrix parameters performance pscl sandwich clubSandwich emmeans marginaleffects effectsize httr speedglm survival lavaan mgcv psych rstantools gbm GLMMadaptive ordinal coxme JM knitr bbmle estimatr quantreg truncreg lfe betareg fixest gamlss survey MCMCglmm nonnest2 multgee spelling plm censReg BayesFactor mhurdle rmarkdown crch fungible mlogit testthat feisr gmnl parsnip geepack lme4 blme mice cplm gamm4 glmmTMB logistf cgam gt epiR lmerTest robustlmm metaBMA panelr pbkrtest rms afex ivreg AER blavaan merTools brms rstanarm In total 3 packages are required directly or indirectly (343) when installing 'insight' (0.17.1) Imports Suggests Base packages that are required Recommended packages that are required Contributed packages that are required Packages that are required for installing 'insight' Package is listed in 'Imports' but namespace is not imported

Dependency table

"Import" information is from the NAMESPACE file of insight.

imports: number of imported functions/objects; importMethods: number of imported S4 methods; importClasses: number of imported S4 classes.

Required packages: number of strong dependency packages for each of the parent package (or in other words, number of dependency packages the parent package brings in).

Heaviness from parent on insight: number of required packages that can be reduced if moving parent package to Suggests of insight.

Parent package Field imports importMethods importClasses Required packages Heaviness from parent on insight
methods Imports Parent package is listed in Imports of insight but no object from parent package is imported. 0 1
stats Imports Parent package is listed in Imports of insight but no object from parent package is imported. 0 1
utils Imports Parent package is listed in Imports of insight but no object from parent package is imported. 0 1
rstanarm Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 127 125
brms Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 123 121
merTools Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 104 102
AER Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 92 90
blavaan Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 92 90
afex Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 91 89
ivreg Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 91 89
rms Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 78 76
pbkrtest Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 76 74
panelr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 72 70
metaBMA Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 69 67
robustlmm Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 66 64
lmerTest Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 62 60
epiR Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 60 58
gt Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 55 53
cgam Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 54 52
logistf Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 53 51
glmmTMB Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 52 50
cplm Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 51 49
gamm4 Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 51 49
blme Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 50 48
mice Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 50 48
geepack Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 49 47
lme4 Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 49 47
parsnip Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 48 46
gmnl Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 47 45
feisr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 41 39
testthat Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 36 34
mlogit Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 34 32
fungible Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 29 27
crch Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 28 26
rmarkdown Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 27 25
BayesFactor Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 26 24
mhurdle Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 26 24
censReg Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 25 23
plm Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 23 21
multgee Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 18 16
spelling Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 18 16
MCMCglmm Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 17 15
nonnest2 Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 17 15
betareg Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 15 13
fixest Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 15 13
gamlss Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 15 13
survey Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 15 13
lfe Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 14 12
bbmle Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 13 11
estimatr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 13 11
quantreg Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 13 11
truncreg Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 13 11
coxme Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 12 10
JM Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 12 10
knitr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 12 10
httr Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 9 9
gbm Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 11 9
GLMMadaptive Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 11 9
ordinal Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 11 9
lavaan Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 10 8
mgcv Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 10 8
psych Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 10 8
rstantools Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 10 8
clubSandwich Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 8 7
effectsize Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 9 7
speedglm Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 9 7
survival Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 9 7
lmtest Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 7 6
sandwich Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 7 6
emmeans Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 8 6
marginaleffects Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 8 6
gam Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 6 5
nlme Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 6 5
bife Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 7 5
Matrix Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 7 5
parameters Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 7 5
performance Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 7 5
pscl Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 7 5
bayestestR Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 6 4
mclust Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 4 3
VGAM Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 4 3
MASS Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 5 3
robustbase Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 5 3
biglm Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 2 2
boot Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 2 2
statmod Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 2 2
datawizard Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 4 2
poorman Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 0 1
rstudioapi Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 0 1
splines Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 0 1
tripack Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 0 1
tweedie Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 0 1
bdsmatrix Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 1 1
gee Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 1 1
aod Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 2 1
nnet Suggests No object is imported into the namespace of insight. 2 1

Analysis was done with pkgndep.